
Vice-presidents of the RGS

Kasimov Nikolai Sergeevich

Kasimov Nikolai Sergeevich

First Vice-President of the RGS, Chairman of the Academic Council of the RGS, Chairman of the Moscow Branch of the RGS, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Garmaev Endon Zhamyanovich

Garmaev Endon Zhamyanovich

Vice-President of the RGS, Chairman of the Republic of Buryatia Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, Director of the Baikal Institute of Nature Management of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Kolosov Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Kolosov Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Vice-President of the RGS, member of the Charter Committee of the RGS, Deputy Chairman of the Russian National Committee of the Future Earth International Program under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Manukyan Artyom Andranikovich

Manukyan Artyom Andranikovich

Vice-President of the RGS, Executive Director of the RGS, Secretary of the Governing Council

Chibilev Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

Chibilev Aleksandr Aleksandrovich

Vice-President of the RGS, Chairman of the Orenburg Regional Branch of the RGS, Scientific Director of the Orenburg Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Chistyakov Kirill Valentinovich

Chistyakov Kirill Valentinovich

Vice-President of the RGS, Chairman of the St. Petersburg Branch of the RGS, Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences of St. Petersburg State University