Youth Club of the RGS
Do you dream about travelling and exploring new territories? Do you want to contribute to the development of science? Are you ready to participate in national and international geographical events? Then join our team of youth clubs of the Russian Geographical Society!
This project was created to unite young men sharing the ideas and values of the Russian Geographical Society and to help them learn more about geography, traditions and culture of Russia. There are more than 90 youth clubs in 63 regions throughout the country, and about 1,000 events are held annually, where participants have an opportunity to fulfil themselves in different spheres.

Active members of the youth clubs participate in archaeological and geographical volunteer expeditions: climb Elbrus, explore remote shores of Russia (Hogland Island, the Commander Islands and even the Arctic region). They also research ancient cities in Khakassia and Crimea. Every summer they take part in the federal projects of the Society, such as special-oriented sessions and summer schools in children’s centers «Artek», «Okean», «Orlyonok» and «Smena».
Professional experts teach members of youth clubs almost all types of tourism: boys and girls learn to scuba-dive and use a kayak, climb mountain peaks, using special equipment of climbers, and overcome swamps with the help of the necessary equipment.
Heads of youth clubs are constantly working on educational projects and involve young men and women in different events at regional, national and international levels: festivals, conferences, films shows, geographical dictation, quests, intellectual clubs, meetings with famous scientists, artists, sportsmen and others.
If you want to become a part of our young, enthusiastic team that is interested in geography, history, culture and ecology of Russia, you can find more information on the website of the Youth Club.
Let’s discover Russia together!