"Geographic" Signs of Postage

Under the cooperation agreement between the Russian Geographical Society and the Federal Communications Agency, the publication of «geographic» signs of postage is being carried out. It includes cards, envelopes and stamps. In addition, on the initiative of the Russian Geographical Society, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a number of commemorative and investment coins for the 170th anniversary of the RGS.

In 2014, a stamped envelope was published in honor of the 175th birthday anniversary of the famous Russian traveler and geographer Nikolai Przhevalsky.

In 2015, a stamp was issued in honor of the 170th anniversary of the Russian Geographical Society and two postcards dedicated to the project «Geographers to the Great Victory».

Picture is provided by joint-stock company “Marka”

Picture is provided by joint-stock company “Marka”

A postal envelope and a card dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the commissioning of the Amur Bridge and the completion of the Trans-Siberian Railway (in the creation of which the Society took an active part) were issued in 2016. A card for the 75th anniversary of the opening of the Valley of Geysers known throughout the world was also issued that year.  Postcards dedicated to the 125th birthday anniversary of the polar explorer, honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society Otto Schmidt; and the 200th birthday anniversary of one of the first researchers of the Aral Sea, member of the Russian Geographic Society Alexei Butakov were manufactured.

Picture is provided by joint-stock company “Marka”

Picture is provided by joint-stock company “Marka”

In 2017, an anniversary envelope dedicated to the 100th anniversary of nature conservation in Russia was issued. Other cards manufactured that year were: postcards in honor of the 225th birthday of the RGS founding member Karl Baer, and the 175th birthday of the scientist Peter Kropotkin; postcards dedicated to the international sea expedition «Arctic Floating University», and the III Festival of the Society. A series of 12 stamped postcards with images of famous awards of the Russian Geographical Society was also created.

In 2018, the Russian Geographical Society together with Rossvyaz issued three artistic marked cards with photographs of the island landscapes of Sommers, Kokor and Nerva in the Russian waters of the Gulf of Finland. As well as five artistic marked cards with the works of the winners of the third RGS photo contest «The Most Beautiful Country». The RGS celebrated the 225th birthday anniversary of Pyotr Keppen and the 175th birthday anniversary of Dmitry Nikolaevich Anuchin by issuing artistic marked envelopes. In addition, an envelope was made in honor of the Geographical Dictation of the RGS.

Picture is provided by joint-stock company “Marka”

Picture is provided by joint-stock company “Marka”

Postcards, envelopes and stamps can be purchased at the «Russian Post» offices, as well as at the «Kollektsioner» shop — a branch of «Marka» Joint-Stock Company (Moscow, Prospekt Mira, d.118).

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