A Lot to Remember! The Main Events of 2024 in the Life of the Russian Geographical Society

A Lot to Remember! The Main Events of 2024 in the Life of the Russian Geographical Society A Lot to Remember! The Main Events of 2024 in the Life of the Russian Geographical Society
Photo: Vladimir Neskoromny / RGS Press Service, Aleksandr Ilyin, participant of the RGS contest

Photo: Vladimir Neskoromny / RGS Press Service, Aleksandr Ilyin, participant of the RGS contest "The Most Beautiful Country", Anna Klochko

The past year will remain in our memory as amazing discoveries, world records, long-distance travel, insight into the secrets of the past, and the hope that plans for the future are giving. Alas, there were bitter losses in 2024. Life is what it is. And the main lesson that our predecessors left us is that the world around us is worth the constant effort to understand it.

Anniversary of the Geographical Dictation and «The Most Beautiful Country» contest

In 2024, both landmark events of the Russian Geographical Society were held for the 10th time. The Geographical Dictation is not just a way to test your knowledge of a subject. It’s always a small but fascinating journey into the world of Earth sciences. This year, the international educational campaign was held at 11,000 venues in Russia and 118 other countries around the world. Thanks to the Dictation of the RGS, geography regained its status as one of the most interesting and sought-after sciences in the eyes of millions of people.

The Geographical Dictation and the photo contest

The Geographical Dictation and the photo contest "The Most Beautiful Country" have become notable phenomena in Russia's cultural life over the years. Photo: RGS press service

The large-scale photography contest about Russia «The Most Beautiful Country» is no less popular. Its character and essence are best described by the motto «Rediscovering the country!». During the entire period, the RGS photo contest received about 750,000 works from 150,000 participants. Colorful landscapes, the world of wild animals, impressive natural phenomena — all the most unusual and fascinating things that can be seen in Russia are reflected in the competition photos.

Like the Geographical Dictation, «The Most Beautiful Country» has long been an international event, despite the main condition of the creative contest: all images must be taken in Russia.

To the heart of the Tunnug kurgan

The Tunnug-1 kurgan is perhaps the most significant in the Tuvan Valley of the Kings. It has been systematically studied since 2018. However, it was not until 2024 that the participants of the expedition of the RGS and the Institute of History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences began to explore the central, most ancient part of it. Usually, the burial of the leader was located in the center, for which such a complex structure was built.

But the impressive engineering features of the structure are far from the main intrigue. Excavation of the core part of the kurgan and further study of its contents will reveal the mystery of the origin of the Early Scythian culture, which later spread to the entire belt of the Eurasian steppes, and answer the question of why the foothills of Tuva became the cradle of the Scythian civilization.

The mysterious Tunnug gradually reveals its secrets. Photo: Anna Klochko

The mysterious Tunnug gradually reveals its secrets. Photo: Anna Klochko

Ship of Barentsz discovered

Apparently, the ship on which the famous Dutch explorer Willem Barentsz made his last expedition has finally been found.

In July, the participants of the complex expedition of the RGS and the Northern Fleet, who explored the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, worked on the coast of Ledyanaya Gavan (Severny Island). Several fragments have been found here, which are most likely related to the Barentsz’s vessel. According to Leonid Kruglov, a member of the expedition, we may be talking about a part of the double skin of a medieval Arctic vessel specially prepared for the expedition.

But the main find was made as a result of aerial photography from a drone of the adjacent water area of Ledyanaya Gavan. At a depth of about 3 m, the outlines of the vessel are clearly visible. It’s not easy to approach it: there are underwater rock ridges all around. However, it was thanks to them that the remains of the ship did not scatter. Its location coincides with the place where the Barentsz’s expedition left the ship to winter on Novaya Zemlya near Ledyanaya Gavan. In order to say with 100% certainty that it was Barentsz’s ship the De Witte Swaen that was found, it remains to wait for the results of the examination of the fragments found. And the next expedition of the RGS will go to the sunken ship next year.

In 1596, the third Barentsz’s expedition rounded Novaya Zemlya and reached the Kara Sea. In winter, the ship froze into the ice in the bay of Ledyanaya Gavan, and the expedition members disembarked. The travelers managed to wait out the winter, but the ship was never released from the ice captivity. In the early summer of 1597, the boat crew set off on their return journey along the eastern coast of Novaya Zemlya. During this journey, Barentsz died.

Expedition leader Sergei Zinchenko with a found fragment of the ship's hull. The type of wood (oak) and the characteristic fastening elements most likely indicate that it is part of Barentsz’s vessel. Photo: Leonid Kruglov

Expedition leader Sergei Zinchenko with a found fragment of the ship's hull. The type of wood (oak) and the characteristic fastening elements most likely indicate that it is part of Barentsz’s vessel. Photo: Leonid Kruglov

Chilingarov’s passing

On June 1, 2024, Artur Chilingarov, First Vice-President of the Russian Geographical Society, an outstanding polar explorer, scientist, a true hero, and a wonderful man, passed away.

Artur Chilingarov. Photo: from the Chilingarov family archive

Artur Chilingarov. Photo: from the Chilingarov family archive

During his life, he visited the Arctic and Antarctica more than once, descended to the bottom of Lake Baikal and the Arctic Ocean at the pole, rescued people from the «Mikhail Somov» ship stuck in ice, and led research in the Far East after the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident. He is one of the few who was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Russia at the same time. Sergei Shoigu, President of the RGS, called Chilingarov an epoch-making man. Artur Nikolaevich’s personal achievements are admirable. No less important is his role as a scientist, public figure, and politician in rethinking the importance of Arctic research in the modern history of Russia.

Konyukhov’s expedition in the Southern Ocean

The famous Russian traveler and honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society celebrated his 73rd birthday in the Southern Ocean. A new expedition is once again an unprecedented challenge to the elements and a test of strength.

Fedor Konyukhov is going to sail alone on a rowing boat «AKROS» from Cape Horn (Chile) to Cape Leeuwin (Australia). The distance will be over 15,000 km, and the travel time will be more than 200 days. Ahead are the roaring forties and the furious fifties. If successful, this voyage will become a new world record.

By the way, this year Fedor Konyukhov, together with pilot Igor Potapkin, has already set a world record — the Russian travelers were the first in the world to fly to the North Pole on a motorized paraglider.

The first minutes of a long journey in the Drake Passage. Photo: Oskar Konyukhov

The first minutes of a long journey in the Drake Passage. Photo: Oskar Konyukhov

Completion of the «Tomsk Circumnavigation»

On November 6, a round-the-world expedition of the Tomsk Regional Branch of the RGS finished in Kronstadt. Surprisingly, two Siberians, a native of Tomsk Evgeny Kovalevsky and a native of Novosibirsk Stanislav Berezkin, were «Following the paths of Russian explorers» (this is the name of the expedition).

The entire route looks like this: Russia — Finland — Poland — Sweden — Denmark — Netherlands — Great Britain — France — Spain — Portugal — Canary Islands — South America — Polynesia — Micronesia — Philippines — Indonesia — South Africa — Namibia — Portugal — Great Britain — Russia. In three years and four months, the travelers have traveled 35,000 nautical miles (almost 65,000 km).

Interestingly, having started on an inflatable sailing trimaran, our heroes returned home on a small sailing yacht. And there were two substitutions. First, the trimaran was lost as a result of an accident and a storm, then the new vessel (an inflatable catamaran of another expedition) fell into disrepair after a shark attack. Former Siberian compatriots living in Australia helped out by purchasing an 11-meter yacht for the circumnavigators.

It seems that everything happened on this expedition: numerous storms, the illness of Stanislav Berezkin, the breakdown of the mast in the middle of the Atlantic, and the passage through war zones. Sometimes the lives of the sailors hung in the balance. But there were also warm meetings in 32 countries and island territories, where residents learned from our «people’s diplomats» about the vicissitudes of sailing, about distant Russia, and amazing Siberia. 

The head of the expedition "Following the paths of Russian explorers" Evgeny Kovalevsky during a voyage off the coast of Patagonia. Photo: Stanislav Berezkin

The head of the expedition "Following the paths of Russian explorers" Evgeny Kovalevsky during a voyage off the coast of Patagonia. Photo: Stanislav Berezkin

Geographer’s Day becomes international

Geographer’s Day is traditionally celebrated in Russia on August 18. However, this year’s professional holiday has acquired a new status. BRICS Geographer’s Day celebration was held at the Headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society in Moscow for the first time. The initiative of the RGS was supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who announced at the BRICS summit in Kazan on October 23 that BRICS Geographer’s Day will now be celebrated annually.

It is expected that BRICS Geographer’s Day will become not just a tribute to geography, but also an effective mechanism for joining forces in the implementation of international research projects.

And we remind you that the date of August 18 is not accidental. It was on this day in 1845 that the Russian Geographical Society was founded.

BRICS Geographer's Day at the Moscow Headquarters of the RGS. Photo: Vladimir Neskoromny / RGS Press Service

BRICS Geographer's Day at the Moscow Headquarters of the RGS. Photo: Vladimir Neskoromny / RGS Press Service

Opening of the new «Vostok» station complex in Antarctica

The southernmost Russian research station in the world was founded in 1957. There are many glorious pages in its history. It was here that one of the key scientific discoveries of recent times was made: our scientists, having drilled more than 3,700 meters of ice, reached the surface of a relic lake. It was named after the station, Vostok. In fact, researchers have gained access to natural material that had been isolated from the outside world for millions of years, which opens up new opportunities in studying historical climate change on the planet.

At the same time, the working conditions of polar explorers have been close to extreme for a long time. The station has clearly outlived its time in terms of comfort and equipment.

In 2015, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the RGS, Leonid Mikhelson, Chairman of the Management Board of PAO NOVATEK, presented a project to create a new wintering complex at the «Vostok» station. On January 28, 2024, it was put into trial operation.

Five blocks with an area of more than 3,000 square meters can comfortably accommodate up to 15 winterers. In summer, the modular structure can accommodate up to 35 people. All the equipment in the new complex is made in our country.

«The station’s capabilities have increased by an order of magnitude. Today it is one of the most modern and well-equipped in Antarctica,» noted Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the RGS, having contacted the polar explorers during the opening ceremony of the new facility.

The new look of the Russian “Vostok” station. Photo: AARI

The new look of the Russian “Vostok” station. Photo: AARI

Kenozerye is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

In July 2024, the Kenozerye cultural landscape was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The decision was made by the participants of the 46th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. 

Kenozersky National Park in the Arkhangelsk Region is a unique natural complex and a very interesting place from a geographical point of view. The border of the Baltic Shield and the Russian Platform runs here, the watershed between the basins of the White and Baltic Seas. This microregion plays an important role in the conservation of the avifauna of Northern Europe and is one of the key ornithological territories of international importance in Russia.

Kenozerye is famous for its unique examples of Russian medieval wooden architecture. Photo: Aleksandr Ilyin, participant of the RGS’s

Kenozerye is famous for its unique examples of Russian medieval wooden architecture. Photo: Aleksandr Ilyin, participant of the RGS’s "The Most Beautiful Country" contest

Exactly 20 years ago, Kenozersky National Park received the status of a biosphere reserve and was included in the UNESCO list of biosphere reserves. By the way, this is one of the most popular venues for the «Nature Reserve School of the RGS».

But Kenozerye is also interesting as a historical and cultural phenomenon. One of the last islands of native Russian architecture and lifestyle in general has been preserved here. The culture and traditions of the people are a part of everyday life, and not displayed in a museum showcase. This is exactly what UNESCO experts appreciated last year.

The beginning of the restoration of the Remezov’s map

The «Large Chart of Siberia» is a rare example of Russian cartographic art, created in 1698 by isographer, architect, cartographer, and historian of Siberia Semyon Remezov. This really large canvas (213 cm in height and 277 cm in length) was for a long time in the study of Peter I. From 1947 to 2007, it was exhibited in the Peter I Hall of the Hermitage. It is now stored in the Cartographic Collection of the RGS.

The map contains important historical, geographical, and ethnographic information about Siberia and the Far East of the 17th century. And the technology of its creation in some places resembles icon painting. There are no more such maps left, this is a real masterpiece. And although the artifact has been preserved relatively well for its age, time is taking its toll: the «Large Chart of Siberia» needs restoration.

It will be handled by the best specialists in the country. Currently, the materials and paints used in the manufacture of the map are being investigated using modern high-tech methods, after which the best restorers in Russia will take over. The restored cartographic masterpiece is expected to be presented to the public on the eve of the 180th anniversary of the RGS, which will be celebrated in August next year.

RGS experts talk about the history of Remezov's map creation. Photo: Vladimir Neskoromny / RGS press service

RGS experts talk about the history of Remezov's map creation. Photo: Vladimir Neskoromny / RGS press service

Nikolai Sumarokov