The opening of the exhibition at the Headquarters of the RGS in St. Petersburg. Photo: Vera Kovalevskaya
Famous Japanese photographer Toshiji Fukuda, who devoted his work to photographing the wildlife of Japan and Russia, was invited to participate in the large-scale photo contest of the Russian Geographical Society «The Most Beautiful Country». The invitation was made by Roman Ryabintsev, director of the Headquarters of the RGS in St. Petersburg, where the exhibition of works by the recognized world-renowned master was opened.
The large-scale media project «The Most Beautiful Country» is dedicated to Russia’s wildlife and respect for the environment. The ideas of the competition, its structure, and categories are based on the enormous experience that the Russian Geographical Society has accumulated over 180 years. At all times, there have been many talented photo artists in the ranks of the RGS who helped create a chronicle of their homeland. Continuing this tradition, the contestants annually create a unique image of modern Russia, captured by thousands of lenses in various places. It reflects all aspects of life: natural resources, national traditions, exciting events, and the faces of our compatriots. The best photos of the contest will be seen by people in different Russian regions and countries around the world.
There are no restrictions on the age and place of residence of the participants in the rules of the photo contest. The main condition is that the photos must be taken only on the territory of Russia. Anyone can send their picture, and you don’t need to be a professional photographer or have expensive equipment to do this. There is a separate category for pictures taken on mobile phones.
The authors can submit photos for the contest until March 31, 2025.
Toshiji Fukuda visited our country for the first time in 1990. The Russian nature made an indelible impression on the master of photography, and now he invariably returns to Russia in search of subjects for his new works. They include Far Eastern leopards, brown and polar bears, seals and walruses, rare birds, hares and many other animals.
«I reached Wrangel Island in the north, the border with North Korea in the south, the Commander Islands in the east, and the Lena River in the west. And in different regions, I have captured the life of the wild. I admire the nature of Russia,» emphasized Toshiji Fukuda.

Toshiji Fukuda. Photo: Vera Kovalevskaya
A video about the expeditions of the famous photographer was shown at the presentation of the exhibition. It was especially interesting to hear a story about how rare pictures were taken and what usually remains behind the scenes.
The collection of the photographer’s works also includes majestic landscapes made on Russian soil. When Toshiji Fukuda first visited our country, he was struck by the close connection between the wildlife of Russia and Japan.
«But now you have plants here that you can no longer see in Japan,» Fukuda said sadly.

At the exhibition. Photo: Vera Kovalevskaya
The participants of the presentation asked the master a question about how it was possible to take pictures in which animals do not have aggression and fear, they all look calm and even friendly.
«I have one rule: I never hide. And I calm them down with body language. I raise the camera very smoothly, look eye to eye and show that I will never harm them. For example, I had a friendly conversation with a female bear and cubs for three and a half hours, and she calmly walked next to me all the time while I was taking these pictures,» Fukuda shared.

A female bear with cubs. Photo: Toshiji Fukuda
Roman Ryabintsev, director of the Headquarters of the RGS in St. Petersburg, noted the love of wildlife with which the Japanese guest’s work was done, and invited him to participate in the international contest of the Russian Geographical Society «The Most Beautiful Country».
«I am sure that your works will take their rightful place among the winners of the contest, and we will be able to honor you once again here in this hall as a laureate or winner of the contest,» Ryabintsev emphasized.