The RGS is announcing the first results of the Geographical Dictation. The results of the remote stage of our international educational campaign have become available. The forms of the in-person version are still being graded.
To get the result, click on the link and enter the 13-digit unique identification number of the participant's form. If you took the Geographical Dictation in an in-person format, then the individual number was indicated in the upper right corner on the sheet of a printed form. If the test was taken in a remote format, the identification number was displayed at the top of the screen during the Dictation.
The answer sheets are still being processed, the in-person venues continue to upload the participants' forms. The individual results of the in-person venues will be known within a month: they will appear gradually as the forms are processed. The number of registered venues in 2024 broke all records: 11,077 venues. The Russian Geographical Society conducts individual work with each venue of the campaign.
The Geographical Dictation consisted of 40 questions. The first part of the basic level of 10 questions, the so-called geographical educational program, was compiled on the basis of well-known facts from geography. The second part of the 30 questions was more difficult and required the use of creative thinking, logic, and erudition.
The maximum number of points for the first part of the Dictation is 10, for the second, 30. Each participant receives two scores for each of the parts. 45 minutes were allotted for the test.
The anniversary, 10th, international educational event of the Russian Geographical Society took place on November 16 and 17, 2024. More than 11,000 specially organized venues in 119 countries of the world registered to conduct the Geographical Dictation. For those who could not take part at the venues, an extra option was organized: it was possible to test your knowledge online from November 17 to December 9, on the project's website.
Please note: those who participated at the in-person venues have the opportunity to participate in the prize draw from the RGS and its long-term partners. By December 23, enter your unique 13-digit identification number in the field following the link "Take part in the prize draw" on the main page of the official website of the Dictation and wait for the results to be announced.