At the award ceremony of the award winners. Photo: Feliks Geller, Evgeny Uvarov / Krasnodar Regional Branch of the RGS
More than 200 applications from Russia, Argentina, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Mexico, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Ethiopia have already been submitted to the jury of the Crystal Compass Award, which will be awarded for the 13th time in 2025 under the auspices of the RGS. The treasured crystal and silver statuettes will be awarded to the authors of outstanding achievements and unique projects in the field of science and culture, expeditionary and educational activities, preservation and popularization of natural, historical, and cultural heritage. Applications are accepted until February 10.
The winners will be determined in 10 categories: «Scientific Achievement», «Journey and Expedition», «Education», «Best Mass Media Project, Media Project», «Photography», «Civic Participation», «Publication», «Best Regional Project», «Best Socio-informational Project for the Preservation of Natural, Historical, and Cultural Heritage», «Best Environmental Project of Industrial Enterprises, Businesses».
After the applications are closed, all submitted projects will be reviewed by the members of the award’s expert council. The jury consists of reputable scientists, well-known government and public figures, representatives of businesses and the press.
Everyone is invited to participate in the application campaign: scientific and educational institutions, creative unions, domestic and foreign organizations, enterprises of various fields, as well as independent initiative groups, public figures, and individuals. You can apply for the Crystal Compass Award on the official website of the national award.
«We have already received many interesting applications from Russia, China, Argentina, Pakistan, Mexico, Ethiopia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan. And of course we are expecting new ones. After all, each initiative deserves the most attentive attitude and recognition, they all demonstrate the tremendous work and unique achievements of our time,» said Vladimir Kotlyakov, Honorary President of the Russian Geographical Society, Chairman of the award’s Expert Council, Academician.

Academician Vladimir Kotlyakov. Photo: Anna Yurgenson / RGS press service
The National Crystal Compass Award has been awarded since 2012 under the auspices of the Russian Geographical Society. During this time, more than 4,300 applications from 48 countries have been received for the award. Almost 2.8 million people expressed their preferences in the special «Public Recognition» category, where the laureates are determined by online voting.
Among the prize winners and holders of the coveted crystal statuette of previous years are Russian traveler Fedor Konyukhov and Swedish researcher Frederik Paulsen, French writer Jean-Louis Gouraud and Australian photographer Ray Collins, Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Institute of Glaciology and Ecogeography of Lanzhou University, the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Swiss Polar Institute, PAO KamAZ, concern «Rosenergoatom», and many others.