
We invite volunteers to the camp of the “Nature Reserve Management of the RGS” project on the Solovetsky Islands

We invite volunteers to the camp of the “Nature Reserve Management of the RGS” project on the Solovetsky Islands We invite volunteers to the camp of the “Nature Reserve Management of the RGS” project on the Solovetsky Islands
Solovetsky Monastery. Photo: Andrey Koltsov, participant of the RGS's contest

Solovetsky Monastery. Photo: Andrey Koltsov, participant of the RGS's contest "The Most Beautiful Country"

The Russian Geographical Society begins the selection of participants in the session of the ecological and educational camp of the project «Nature Reserve Management of the RGS» in the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve in the Arkhangelsk Region. A team of volunteers will explore the flora and fauna of the archipelago in the White Sea, monitor the island’s moose population, and help with media coverage and landscaping of the protected area. The session will take place from June 27 to July 6, and you can apply until May 15.

The Solovetsky State Historical, Architectural, and Nature Museum-Reserve is one of the largest in Russia. It is a particularly valuable object of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation, and it includes more than 1,000 objects of the fifth millennium BC to 20th century. The historical and architectural complex of the Solovetsky Islands is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Solovetsky Islands. Photo: Nadezhda Merkulova, participant of the RGS's contest

Solovetsky Islands. Photo: Nadezhda Merkulova, participant of the RGS's contest "The Most Beautiful Country"

В лагерь проекта «Заповедное дело РГО» на Соловецких островах требуются добровольцы по следующим направлениям: география, зоология, биология, ботаника, экологические волонтеры, а также и специалисты по сохатым и медиаосвещению.

Требования к участникам: возраст от 18 лет, готовность к физической работе, дисциплинированность, умение работать в группе. Медиадобровольцы должны в срок, обозначенный куратором проекта, передать РГО отснятый материал (в том числе исходники и смонтированные ролики) с сохранением авторских прав. Обязательна вакцинация против клещевого энцефалита и/или страховка, а также соблюдение правил поведения в монастырской зоне.

Для участия в конкурсе необходимо до 15 мая подать заявку.

The village of Rabochiostrovsk on the White Sea. Photo: Georgy Bashkin, participant of the RGS’s contest

The village of Rabochiostrovsk on the White Sea. Photo: Georgy Bashkin, participant of the RGS’s contest "The Most Beautiful Country"

The RGS will provide the winners of the competitive selection with accommodation on the territory of the Solovetsky Monastery, meals (you will be cooking for yourself), transfer (ferry from the meeting place to the reserve and back), souvenirs. The RGS will organize an eco-educational program (workshops, lectures, trips to picturesque places, watching themed films).

Meeting place: Republic of Karelia, village of Rabochiostrovsk (ferry pier 12 km from Kem railway station). Please note that the fare to the meeting place of the group is paid by the participant themselves. 

More information about the program and the rules of the competitive selection can be found on the website of the Youth Movement of the Russian Geographical Society.