Branch in the Republic of Tatarstan
The branch of the Russian Geographical Society in the Republic of Tatarstan resumed its activities on April 5, 2010.
His main areas of work are ethnography and local history research, publishing and information activities, caving and mountaineering, the development of domestic tourism, youth work, patriotic education, underwater research, environmental studies, cartography and historical and archaeological activities.
President of the Underwater Sports Federation of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Tatarstan on Culture
Shiller Dmitry Augustovich
Postal address:420008, Kazan, Kremlevskaya str., 18, room 1
Website of the regional office:
Chairman department:Shiller Dmitry Augustovich
Contact person:Agarkov Andrey Yurievich
Phone: +7 (917) 851-25-71