Leningrad Regional Branch
The Leningrad Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society was founded in 2010.
Since September 27, 2016, the Leningrad Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society has been registered as a legal entity.
The Leningrad Region is a region rich in monuments of historical, cultural and natural heritage, exceeding many European countries in area. The priority task of the Department is to study the native land.
One of the main areas of the Department's field work since 2012 has been the exploration of the archipelago of the Outer Islands of the Gulf of Finland. Administratively, most of them are part of the Kingisepp district of the Leningrad Region and are located within a radius of 180 kilometers from St. Petersburg. The islands have been relatively little studied, due to their long-term status as a border zone closed to free access.
Rector of the Leningrad State University named after A. S. Pushkin, Doctor of Economics, Professor
Dvas Grigory Viktorovich
Postal address:10 Grivtsova Lane, letter A, St. Petersburg, 190031
Website of the regional office:
Chairman department:Dvas Grigory Viktorovich
Contact person:Shchepetnov Dmitry Reomirovich