Rostov regional Branch
The Department regularly holds scientific and practical conferences, supports the work of the Ecological and Geographical Club of the Southern Federal University. The Don Academy of Sciences for Young Researchers, established on the basis of the Planeta Club, is actively working in Rostov-on-Don. Students of secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, institutions of additional education, institutions of primary vocational education in the Rostov region are engaged in scientific research in various fields of knowledge. One of the main sections of the Youth Academy of Sciences is the Geography and Geoecology section. Its participants study the theoretical and practical issues of these sciences.
Head of the Board of Trustees of the Association "Wildlife of the Steppe"
Uzdenov Ali Mussayevich
Postal address:344011, Rostov-on-Don, Telman str., 10, room 20
Website of the regional office:
Chairman department:Uzdenov Ali Mussayevich
Contact person:Volkova Anastasia Yurievna
Phone: 8 (863) 290-71-57, доб.219