Ryazan Regional Branch
The Ryazan regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society was recreated in 2010. Despite the break in its activities, it has managed to preserve its rich traditions and accumulated work experience over many years. This is one of the first regional branches of the All-Union Geographical Society.
Ryazan geographers are actively engaged in environmental and environmental activities, participating in such actions as "World Cleaning", "International Crane Day 2012", "Week of the Ryazan Forest", "Clean Pra – 2012", "Bird feeder with your own hands", in clean–up work to create an arboretum in Ryazan.
Hero of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Medical Sciences
Malakhov Mikhail Georgievich
Postal address:390023, Ryazan region, Ryazan city, Yablochkov passage, house 6
Website of the regional office:
Chairman department:Malakhov Mikhail Georgievich
Contact person:Shlyakhin Victor Gennadievich