
Smolensk Regional Branch

The Smolensk Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society was founded in 1957. The initiator of its creation and the first chairman was the famous local historian, Doctor of Geological and mineralogical sciences, Professor Daniil Ivanovich Pogulyaev. At the end of the 20th century, the work was suspended. In 2004, the activity was resumed.

The main task of the Department is the dissemination of geographical knowledge. Smolensk geographers honor the memory and remember the merits of their great countryman, Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky. 2014 marked the 175th anniversary of the birth of this outstanding traveler, the first researcher of the nature of Central Asia. And in his native land, in Smolensk, they intend to erect a monument to Przhevalsky.

Smolensk Regional Branch
Chairman department
Acting Chairman Artemenkov Mikhail Nikolaevich

Rector of the Smolensk State University, Candidate of Historical Sciences

Smolensk Regional Branch

Acting Chairman Artemenkov Mikhail Nikolaevich

Department contacts