
Tuvan Republican Branch

The Tuvan Republican branch of the Russian Geographical Society has been in existence since 1974. In the 1990s, the activity was suspended and resumed in 2001 on the recommendation and with the participation of an outstanding geographer and geologist, at that time President of the Russian Geographical Society, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor Yuri Petrovich Seliverstov.

The main task of the Department is to collect and disseminate reliable information about Tuva, its nature, the animal world and the unique culture of the people inhabiting it.

Tuvan Republican Branch
Chairman department
Kara-Kys Dongakovna Arakchaa

Employee of GBU "Research Institute of Medical and Social Problems and Management of the Republic of Tyva" (Research Institute of MSPU RT), Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tyva

Tuvan Republican Branch

Kara-Kys Dongakovna Arakchaa

Department contacts