
Vologda Regional Department

Russian Russian Geographical Society Vologda Regional Branch was founded in 1954 by Yuri Dmitrievich Dmitrevsky, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society, the first honorary member of the Association of Russian Africanists.

Special attention is paid to the study of the natural conditions of the region and the study of anthropogenic transformation of reservoirs and catchments of the taiga zone. In addition, the activity is aimed at the development of geographical education in higher education.

Vologda Regional Department
Chairman department
Maksutova Nadezhda Kamelevna

Professor of the Department of Geography and Environmental Management of the Institute of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Computer Sciences of the Vologda State Pedagogical University, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor

Vologda Regional Department

Maksutova Nadezhda Kamelevna

Department contacts
  • Postal address:
    160000, Vologda, Lenin St., 19A, Governor's House, 2nd floor, Vologda branch of the Russian Geographical Society. Maksutova N.K.
  • Website of the regional office:
  • Phone:
  • Е-mail:
  • Chairman department:
    Maksutova Nadezhda Kamelevna
  • Contact person:
    Mink Lyudmila Vladimirovna