Under the flag of the Russian Federation. Photo of the expedition participants
The circumnavigation expedition of the Tomsk Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society successfully arrived in Kronstadt on November 6. A voyage lasting three years and four months has been completed. During this time, Evgeny Kovalevsky and Stanislav Berezkin traveled 35,000 nautical miles, visited 32 countries and island territories.
On July 1, 2021, Siberian travelers Evgeny Kovalevsky and Stanislav Berezkin set off along the route of the first Russian round-the-world expeditions of the 19th century: Ivan Kruzenshtern’s (1803-1806), Yuri Lisyansky’s (1803-1806), Otto Kotzebue’s (1815-1818, 1823-1826), Vasily Golovnin’s (1817-1819), Fedor Litke’s (1826-1829), Faddey Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev’s (1819-1921).
The international project of the Tomsk Regional Branch of the RGS «Following the paths of Russian explorers» is dedicated to the 250th birthday anniversary of Krusenstern and the 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica by Russian sailors. These events for a long time determined Russia’s leadership in the development of the oceans and the discovery of new lands.
Everywhere and always, Kovalevsky and Berezkin demonstrated courage, fortitude, and striving for a goal — characteristic features of Russian navigators of all times. They have survived two shipwrecks, shark attacks and powerful storms, passed through war zones, and coped with countless different difficulties.
In each country, the crew met with local residents and told them about Russia, its geography, history, nature, and people. This was one of the main tasks of the expedition — the noble mission of people’s diplomacy.
Kronstadt warmly welcomed the expedition. The sailboat moored to the sounds of an orchestra and friendly greetings from a large audience. The circumnavigators did not hold back their emotions.
«I cried before the finish. And at the finish line, too, ” admitted Evgeny Kovalevsky.
The unique voyage was completed successfully. Let’s be happy for the real heroes of our days, the indomitable Russian seafarers!